





除了行为科学的核心课程, 审视音乐和宗教在人类文化中扮演的角色, 文化分析策略, 同化过程, 沟通问题, 文化·艾治, 礼仪, 以及社会期望.

  • 行为科学专业
  • 48个单位
  • 行为科学
  • 39个单位
  • ANT 210:文化人类学
  • 3

了解世界上不同的文化, 从前文字社会到现代科技社会, 这门课的重点是什么, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, 政治, 宗教, and physical 环境 factors that relate to the values and lifestyles of various 国人民.

  • ANT 364:文化与自我
  • 3

This course will explore the relationship between individual experiences and the socio-cultural context, focusing on the role socio-cultural institutions play on personality, 健康, 世界观.

  • ANT 435:社会中的宗教
  • 3

This course will present a comparative examination of religion as an aspect of human 文化 and will include substantive and functional approaches to 宗教 behavior, 宗教作为一种象征体系, 仪式行为, magic, 宗教运动, 还有超自然现象. 先决条件: 蚂蚁210 或者导师的许可. 提供隔年.

  • 行为科学统计学
  • 3

This is an introductory course for students intending to do social science and education research that will address the basic principles of elementary statistics through the use of statistical analyses, including basic descriptive measures; sampling and sample size estimation; 假设检验; testing for differences between means, 相关, and measures of association; techniques for analyzing categorical data; and summarizing and presenting statistical results. A heavy emphasis will be placed on applications of basic statistical concepts to a wide variety of problems encountered in social, 教育, 以及政策相关的研究, along with the use of computer packages for assisting in data analysis. 先决条件:CMTH 101, MTH 201或同等学历.

  • BSC 296:研究方法导论
  • 3

This is an experimental learning course in which research techniques and methodologies are studied by developing and carrying out a research project using the following steps: selection of research problems, 研究设计, 数据收集和分析, 统计计算, 假设检验, 建立理论.

  • BSC 318:语言学
  • 3

This course will study 语言 as a fundamental component of human beings by examining the link between experience, 文化, and 语言 through the investigation of how 语言 communicates, 变化, 并被策略性地用来达到社会目的.

  • BSC 492:顶点:好社会
  • 3

This course will examine the core liberal arts questions that the behavioral sciences attempt to address and will serve as a summative experience for the students in the major. Prerequisites: ANT 364, BSC 265, BSC 296, BSC 318, PSY 345, SOC 321.

  • 鸟叔345:社会心理学
  • 3

The effect of social influences upon the development of personality and behavior patterns will be examined in this course including socialization, 态度的形成和改变, 沟通, 宣传, 角色和刻板印象, 领导, 集体行为.

  • 鸟叔371:认知
  • 3

This theoretical and research-based course will investigate the mental processes that underlie perception, 图像, 注意, 内存, 语言, 阅读, 推理, 决策, 以及解决问题的能力.

  • 鸟叔403:健康心理学
  • 3

Unlike 传统的 models and schools of thought that see diseases solely as mal功能 of organs or breakdowns of body systems, this course will present the approach that 健康 and illness are parts of a complex interplay among biological, 心理, 社会因素.

  • SOC 320:社会分层
  • 3

本课程将介绍资料来源, 功能, 以及财富分配不平等的动力, power, 知识, 和历史上的声望, 比较的角度.

  • SOC 321:社会问题
  • 3

As an introduction to the major problems in contemporary America, 本课程将着重于原因, 理论的解释, 社会政策解决方案,包括经济, 政治, 城市化, 环境, family and 教育 problems; child abuse; social deviance; crime; delinquency; and drug, 酒精, 还有烟草滥用.

  • 社会理论
  • 3

This course will examine selected social theories and theorists and the history and development of social theory including the following: the formulation and evaluation of social theories such as social systems, 进化, 正式的, 现象学, 符号互动论, 社会行动, and exchange theories; sociology of 知识; and functionalism. 提供隔年.

  • 人类学强调
  • 9单元
  • 从以下课程中选择3门:
  • ANT 241:旅行者的人类学野外方法
  • 3

Practical application of anthropological concepts designed to assist in analyzing, 理解, and living within other cultural traditions 这门课的重点是什么 and will include topics such as the role of 文化, 生活在文化冲击中, 文化分析策略, 同化过程, 语言问题, 文化饮食方式, 礼仪, 以及社会期望.

  • ANT 314:北美土著人
  • 3

An anthropological overview of native 北美n societies from pre-Columbian times to the present will be the focus of this course, utilizing a 文化 area approach and including an emphasis on the native people of California. 交叉列出 HST 314. 提供隔年.

  • 371:伊斯兰文明
  • 3

这是入门课程, 国人民, 以及从古代到现代的中东文化, will include the role of religion in shaping social and 政治 institutions, and the influence of Islamic thought on the Arab world and conflicts in the contemporary Middle East. 提供隔年.

  • MUS 451:世界音乐文化I
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and social aspects of folk, 传统的, 以及拉丁美洲的艺术音乐, 非洲, India, 北美, 东南亚, 当代大众传媒. 先决条件: 102亩 or 111亩 or 112亩 or 201亩 or equivalent 知识 and experience in music strongly encouraged. 提供隔年.


  • MUS 452:音乐文化的世界II
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and social aspects of folk, 传统的, and art music of regions from Eastern Europe to Asia including the Middle East, 大洋洲, China, Japan, 和韩国, 以及墨西哥和加勒比海地区. 先决条件: 102亩 or 111亩 or 112亩 or 201亩, or equivalent 知识; experience in music encouraged. 提供隔年.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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